Cleanse FAQs

Our bodies are meant to cleanse naturally through our colon – however due to a build-up of environmental toxins, chemicals in our foods, heavy metals, and everything else you can imagine that is unnatural, our bodies are left weakened, unable to detox quickly, and unable to properly absorb nutrients through our colon. This places our bodies under constant stress whether we feel the effects or not.
Cleansing allows our bodies to take a break from digestion, and target the body’s energy towards clearing the colon, releasing toxins, absorbing nutrients, and paving the way for healing.
In our opinion, adults are the primary benefactors of juice cleanses. Cleanses should be integrated in our daily lives sporadically so as to give our bodies the chance to reset and get back to effectively using the nutrients we intake in our daily lives. No matter what type of lifestyle you lead, incorporating a cleanse into your dietary habits even once every 3 months, can, in our opinion, benefit you greatly. With constant changes in our diets and elevated stress levels due to our fast paced life styles, cleansing can help dramatically.
Cleanses are not intended for use by minors, pregnant or nursing women, individuals with any type of health condition or users of prescription drugs. Such individuals are specifically warned to seek professional medical advice prior to initiating any form of weight loss effort or regimen.
The Juice Parlor is not a medical organization and our staff cannot give you medical advice or diagnosis. Any information garnered from us should not be interpreted as a substitute for a physician’s consultation, evaluation, or treatment.
The answer is not that simple: it depends. It really depends on your lifestyle and your goals. If you’re new to cleansing, we would recommend you start off your new adventure into healthy living with a 1 day cleanse to see how your body reacts. It's up to you and your health care professional to do an evaluation of where you are in your life and from there decide what works best for you. Plan your cleanse for when you have more flexibility in your schedule and you can make your body a top priority. You can customize your cleanse in any way you see fit, so if you’re more experience and you want to extend your cleanse past 3 days, we can help incorporate it into your lifestyle. Listen to your physician and your body and you can always adjust your cleanse level when you're ready.
See pre-cleanse and post-cleanse procedures HERE.
Our cleanses are cold-pressed on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at our location in North Hollywood. You can pick up your cleanse(s) at 10AM on your scheduled pick-up day.
Simply put: No. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding you should not restrict your diet to liquids only. Consult your physician or health care professional to see if our cleanses are right for you.
Our cleanses are designed to help your body clean out the toxins and give you a reset, so don’t focus on losing weight to start. As long as you're using the cleanse to jump start or even supplement a healthy lifestyle diet, your body will do the rest. Our cleanses will help your body reset and rebalance itself. Weight loss is an added bonus, but we want to focus on feeling good inside first, then outside.
Cleansing is a great tool for healing, however, because The Juice Parlor isn’t a medical organization, we cannot advise you to do a cleanse. You must first consult your physician before beginning a cleanse.
If you have a health condition, you are specifically warned to seek professional medical advice prior to initiating any form of weight loss effort or regimen. The Juice Parlor is not a medical organization and our staff cannot give you medical advice or diagnosis. Any information garnered from us should not be interpreted as a substitute for a physician’s consultation, evaluation, or treatment.
We recommend that you go very, very easy – so yoga, walking, stretching, or any very light and gentle exercises. We recommend giving your body a break during your cleanse so it can focus on detoxing and healing.
It’s really up to you and your lifestyle. You should discuss your decision with your physician or health care provider to find out what might best fit your current needs and your lifestyle. Cleansing can be done whenever you feel you need it most and this can mean anywhere from once a month to once every three to five months. You should always incorporate healthy and fresh juices into your lifestyle either way in order to provide your body with the natural vitamins and nutrients it’s always craving. Consuming the vitamins and nutrients in our fresh juices on a regular basis will support your system and keep your body in optimal shape, inside and out.
We would not recommend that since your body needs all its energy to get over your cold/flu.
Yes, of course. We like to do a wide variety of things while cleansing. Some might not be for you so explore and figure out what works best for you. During our cleanse process, we enjoy some of the following:
Colon hydrotherapy, deep breathing, resting, far infrared saunas (sweating), oil pulling, tongue scraping, Epsom or magnesium salt baths and dry brushing. Consuming herbal tea can also be helpful. It is also important that you drink plenty of water to assist your body in flushing out the toxins.
Cleanse(s) are picked up by 10AM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and 3 days after the day the cleanse is ordered. The sooner you place your order, the better. Please note that in rare situations, due to juicer capacity and number of orders per day, there is a chance that your order may be pushed back a few days.
Please review our "Cleanses 101" page for more information.